Trinity United Methodist Church of North Port Inc.
Places of Worship
- 4285 WESLEY LANE NORTH PORT Florida 34287
- (941) 426-1734
- (941) 426-1744
- https://www.trinitychurchnorthport.com/
Business Hours - M- Th 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Sunday Worship 9:00amDriving Directions:
Via US 41 turn east on Biscayne Drive approx. 1-mile turn left on Coco Solo, then take 1st right onto Wesley Lane
About Us
Trinity United Methodist Church
''Helping Ourselves and Others to Grow in Jesus Christ''Rep/Contact Info
View Personal BioPastor Brian BrightlyA missional Pastor with over 25 years experience serving as a Disciple of Christ. https://www.trinitychurchnorthport.com/pastor-brian-s-journey
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